Email marketing has always been a user-favorite way to boost your income when working online. If you’re a sasquatch like me, you’ve probably learned how hard it is to get the word out on what you’re selling. Whether you have a website, online shop, or blog out there on the internet, utilizing your email list is a quick and lasting form of monetization. It’s so simple that even a sasquatch can do it! But how can you learn how to make money with email marketing? In this guide to email marketing, we’ll look at what makes a good email marketing campaign and answering the all-important question of how much can you make by email marketing.
The most crucial step to learning how to make money with email marketing is to have a place to market towards. This might be a website where you post your artistic creations, using things like affiliate marketing or advertising revenue to generate your income. It could also be an online shop where you sell your own products. This is the base for everything that comes next with email marketing. After all, how can you make money if you have nothing to promote?
How do you start a marketing email? Well, our guide on how to make an email list fast will help you cover your bases when growing your email list and figuring out how this system works. The guide covers everything from the basics of email marketing to growing a genuine list of followers. But our all-star sasquatch worthy piece of advice? Head to an email marketing service to help make things easier on yourself and boost your odds of growing your list in no time. These platforms can help you see important analytics and even help create your email templates.
When moving towards these platforms, many people will ask about how it relates to your earnings. Can you make money with
MailChimp? Or any other online platform like
Convertkit, or
Constant Contact? While
email marketing services won’t give you money directly, they are designed to boost your chances of earning more in the long run.
What makes a good email marketing campaign all boils down to how you’re using your email list. You want to give your readers and email subscribers to do some action that gets them onto your website or shop. For example, sending a friendly email talking about the local news wouldn’t make sense if you’re running an affiliate marketing website. However, an email talking about the latest trends in technology, linking to your latest affiliate blog, is an excellent place to start.
Your next step is to include a Call to Action (or CTA) within your email. This is something that will encourage viewers to do more than just read your email. It will be the thing to send them to your website. Common examples of CTAs include special promotions that are only available through an email list, encouragement to access unique site-only content, or offers to upgrade membership levels. So if you’re running your affiliate marketing site and send out the above-mentioned guide on trending technology, you may consider offering a 10% discount code to your email list if they act fast.
Depending on your site or shop content, you can also earn money directly through your emails if you are strategic about sponsorships, affiliate marketing plans, and advertising. An affiliate marketer could link to exclusive items in their emails, providing you with the chance to boost your commission rates. Sponsorships with other stores or websites can also be utilized within an email list, as sponsors may prefer the exclusivity that comes with subscriber-only content.
So how much money can you make by email marketing? Studies have researched this common question, finding that the average return on investment for email marketing is $42 USD for every $1 that you spend on your services. Additionally, a proper email supporting your business is the primary influence on whether a customer will buy from you or not, with more than 50% of customers claiming this. The exact number that you make will depend on your products and forms of monetization, but it’s clear that email marketing will bring your bank account up more than anything else.
The key to learning how to make money with email marketing is to be patient, work hard on creating a solid email list, and design
your emails with care. You should include a Call to Action in all of your emails while also listening to what your analytics tell you to ensure that you’re sending out the right content. If you want to follow the trusted sasquatch way, email is the fastest way to do it!