Health-related smartphone apps, fitness trackers, and wearable tech like Apple Watches and Fitbits are making it easier than ever to optimize well-being. Unfortunately, these technologies are also making it easier for strangers to access your medical information. From the exact route of your daily run to specific medical conditions and even your identity, you might be surprised at what information a hacker or identity thief could pull from your favourite tech.
Simple Sasquatch helps answer some questions about health-based technology and how to stay safe in the digital world.
The healthcare industry is rapidly growing, and it’s inevitable that big tech companies will continue entering the field, blurring the lines between technology, apps, and medical data. Unfortunately, HIPAA regulations rarely extend to cover businesses like Apple and Facebook — and data breaches do happen. It’s up to each of us as consumers to monitor our medical records and report any suspected thefts or suspicious activities. Know your local and state laws; use strict privacy settings on any apps, websites, or technologies; and try to use HITRUST-certified, HIPAA-compliant providers whenever possible.
"Katie Conroy enjoys writing and created where she shares advice from her experiences, education & research. She particularly enjoys writing about lifestyle topics and created the website to share advice she has learned through experience, education and research."