You may read this article’s title about online education and assume that the answer is an automatic “yes.” After all, you’re reading the words of a sasquatch! Why wouldn’t I want to learn through online learning platforms, giving me more privacy, secrecy, and safety while studying, tucked away in the woods? While these are all fair points, there is a complicated answer to the question, “Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?”
I have tried all of the online learning platforms. Trust me. If there is a way to study without leaving the house, I’ve been there! And you can learn all about them, too, with our handy guide. But that still leaves the question of if online learning is better than the classroom. Ultimately, the answer will depend on what you’re looking for in learning. Some careers require hands-on experience, like jobs in the trades or health care. This will result in a hybrid model of online learning and in-person studies. But the potential for online learning remains infinite, and there is no denying that the pros make it seem favourable!
One of the most important elements when claiming that online learning is better than the classroom is due to the universal accessibility that online schools create. You’re no longer limited in education based on the town that you reside in. Are you too far away to commute to the classes you want to take? Well,
online learning means that it’s at your fingertips.
Similarly, online learning takes away the disadvantage that finances put on students. I mean, look at me. I live in the woods and have no reason for money. I do not even have pockets to put it in! This means that finding cheap and accessible ways to fill up my brain is important. Online education has free and low-cost options, which is crucial after the costs of college tuition continues to rise all around the world.
Many of these claims favoring online learning are related to personal preference, accessibility, and cost. But do these all make you learn more efficiently, or are they just perks for convenience? Fortunately, studies have shown that it’s both. The research found that various students of online learning out-performed people taking
face-to-face classes. This means that we aren’t just saving time and money, but we’re getting better grades and learning more, too!
There are some learners who might disagree that online learning is better than the classroom. These are often the students who find that it is easier to learn when working collaboratively with others or have a difficult time finding the right environment to study in from their own home. We all have different learning styles, and some people do better when they have others to bounce ideas off of. There are also risks of increased loneliness and social isolation with the learn online model. This is due to the minimal interactions that you experience while plopped in front of your computer for hours on end. For some, these may be dealbreakers, pushing them to seek out in-person learning opportunities. For others, it is something worth putting up with for the sake of all the advantages!
There is a commitment that is required to truly thrive off online learning. You can’t just turn on your computer and expect to walk away with an education. One of the most important strategies to succeed is to treat your class like you would any other in-person class. Carve out the appropriate time to learn, study, and do your homework. You’ll also need to crack down on your time-management skills, ensuring that the distractions to be found at home aren’t interfering with your ability to learn.
So, is online learning as good as face-to-face learning? For many of us, the answer is a clear yes. You can earn the same credentials and come away with the same knowledge that people going to in-person classes are. Additionally, you’ll be able to do it on your own time and from anywhere in the world! Online learning is what you make of it, so why not make it your new favourite thing?
Are you ready to prove to yourself that online learning can be just as good, if not better, than in-person classroom learning? Take our quiz to find out which platforms will work for you and your needs so that you can learn online. You may find that quick videos, like those found on Skillshare, is more your cup of tea. Or maybe a fully structured class like those found on Coursera will be right up your alley! Either way, you’ll be getting an education in the sasquatch way in no time!